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Local Gunnedah business, Walker Beer Solicitors & Conveyancers, has undergone a fresh reinvention, and is now operating under the name of Stacey McAllan Legal. But it’s the businesswoman behind the transformation which is the real story.

From teenage mum, to prominent property lawyer and nationally-accredited mediator, Stacey McAllan has led both an incredible career and life.

Born in Bairnsdale, Victoria, Stacey travelled around the country with her army-based family, until arriving in Gunnedah as an 11 year old and attending Gunnedah High School.

“I’m a self-confessed army brat and moving around a lot meant making connections with new people was a big part of my life. My experiences as a child, have really helped me to become the type of legal practitioner that values the importance of relationships.”

Stacey went on to complete her Bachelor of Laws while raising her four children and soon after owned Walker Beer Solicitors & Conveyancers, which she purchased in partnership with a colleague in 2010.

Now CEO of the rebranded Stacey McAllan Legal, specialising in family law, property law and dispute resolution, she hopes to encourage young people to follow in her footsteps, and not shy away from crafting the career of their dreams, no matter what life may throw in their way.

“Starting off in your career can be really daunting, particularly for young lawyers wanting to make

a start in regional areas. As an employer and a mum, I want young people to know that you can have an exciting and fulfilling career and be in the country. You can have both and with a transformation work culture supported by good technology, the skies really are the limit".

Stacey said the rebranding was about recognising the long and incredible history of the firm, while embracing a fresh way of practicing law that fundamentally holds people at its heart.

“When people come to a lawyer, often they are in a very vulnerable, emotional state, we want to appear approachable when clients come in".

“We want our clients to know that we can help mediate a situation and find alternative ways of reaching solutions that doesn’t necessarily involve litigation or fighting it out in the courts".

The firm’s qualified mediators are natural communicators who help parties table issues, explore options,

find solutions and come to an agreement before litigation becomes an option. This means saving both money and time for clients.

As part of the reinvention, Stacey McAllan Legal has also embraced all new forms of technology, meaning geography isn’t a restriction for the legal practice. Stacey McAllan Legal now has clients from all across NSW seeking their services.

“Our use of innovative technology (including PEXA, Zoom and DocuSign) means we can collaborate with parties involved in transactions wherever they are in Australia,” Stacey says.

Stacey acknowledged that the best thing to come out of COVID-19 for her firm was electronic signatures. This enables the firm to be efficient and proactive with clients who are in remote locations or under COVID-19 restrictions.

In New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, deeds and agreements may be executed electronically by individuals. Technology can sometimes be confusing to new and inexperienced users, however Stacey McAllan Legal has made this easy and accessible to all clients.

“It isn’t just Gunnedah locals who visit Stacey McAllan Legal, with legal services provided to clients across Australia,” says Stacey.

“When clients leave the area, they stay with us, the beauty of technology is we don’t need to be in the same town to do what our clients need us to do.”

The firm has seven team members; four lawyers, an operations manager and fourth year Legal Undergraduate.

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Gunnedah Office:
Unit 1/ 364 Conadilly St, Gunnedah NSW 
P. 02 6742 2122

Newcastle Office:
Level 1 / 16A Bolton St, Newcastle NSW 
P. 02 4907 5800




©2024 Stacey McAllan Legal

Law Society of NSW Professional Standards Scheme. Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation. Legal Practitioners employed by Gunnedah Legal Services Pty Ltd are members of this scheme.

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