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A will is a valid legal document which sets out who will receive your property and possessions when you die. Preparing a Will gives you the best chance of making sure your assets go where you want them to.

For young adults, the thought of what happens when you die is not typically at the forefront of their minds. However, not only should you make your Will if you have a family, or if other people are financially dependent on you - but you should start thinking about Wills as soon as you own any assets of significant value, such as your first property.

Some other reasons you should consider making a Will include:

  • Plans to travel

  • You have just received an inheritance

  • You have a share portfolio or bitcoin

  • You own an animal

What is an Enduring Power of Attorney or Guardianship?

Enduring Power of Attorney = appointment of individual/s to make financial decisions in the event you lose capacity to make decisions for yourself.

Enduring Guardianship = appointment of individual/s to make wellbeing and lifestyle decisions in the event you lose capacity to make decisions for yourself.

If you have any questions regarding estate planning, please give us a call on 6742 2122 and ask to speak to one of our estate lawyers.

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P. 02 6742 2122

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